Established on March 17, 2011, GREEN HERBAL GROUP has been
constantly developing.
With nearly 15 years of production experience and accompanying more than 100 customers in all national fields and abroad, GREEN HERBAL GROUP is constantly innovating, improving, investing in modern equipment, and applying strict quality control standards ... to become the most trusted BRAND in the printing market, producing food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, medical supplies from paper and plastic.
The company's guiding principle is to strive in every little thing and improve daily to bring maximum customer satisfaction. We own a system of standard factories, high-tech machinery, modern production processes, and a management system that meets ISO 22000 - ISO 15378 - ISO 13485 standards.
In March 2020, GREEN HERBAL GROUP inaugurated a packaging factory specializing in the production of packaging for food - pharmaceuticals - cosmetics, and medical supplies from paper and plastic that meets IS0 22000, ISO 15378, ISO 13548 standards at Lot D8, Road D2, Cau Tram Industrial Park, Cau Tram Hamlet, Long Trach Commune, Can Duoc District, Long An, marking an important milestone for the new development direction as well as affirming the market position of GREEN HERBAL GROUP.

- 2011: Green Herbal Joint Stock Company was established in 2011
- 2015: Establishment of a plastic production workshop in Nha Be, Ho Chi Minh City
- 2018: Establishment of Long An Green Herbal Joint Stock Company, now Green Herbal Packaging Joint Stock Company
- 2020: March 2020 Inauguration of Long An Green Herbal Packaging Factory with an area of 10,000m2 with a system of Class D clean production rooms that meet ISO 22000 - ISO 15378 - ISO 13485 standards
- 2024: December 2024 Renamed to GREEN HERBAL

To manage quality, control microorganisms, prevent crosscontamination, and optimize production time and cost, all packaging production stages at GREEN HERBAL GROUP are arranged in a closed production area: from the storage stage, raw material preparation, design, sample development, printing, post-printing finishing, quality control to packaging and distribution of goods.



GREEN HERBAL GROUP will continuously research and invest in new production technologies to comply with international standards on quality and environmental safety and integrate with the development of the packaging industry for food, pharmaceuticals/cosmetics, and medical supplies made from paper and plastic domestically and internationally.

GREEN HERBAL GROUP has also applied "clean" technologies such as clean fuel, fuel-saving, and pollution reduction to production at the factory. Specifically, we have conducted the production line and technology of Packaging according to "Green" standards and European technology for products such as paper straws, paper cups, paper bowls, and paper plates, replacing disposable plastic to contribute to environmental protection and joining hands to reduce plastic waste.

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Put Trust on top, use Trust as a competitive weapon, and protect Trust like we protect our honor.


Consider creativity as vitality and a development lever that aims to create different values and unique identities in each packaging of products and services.


Gathering elite people to make quintessential products and services, all members enjoy a noble life and contribute to building a high-class society.


Always value customers and place them at the center, putting customers interests and desires first. Seek to provide the most perfect products and services for customers and see their satisfaction as a measure of success.


Building relationships with customers, partners, and colleagues with a humanistic spirit, goodwill, and friendship.

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GREEN HERBAL GROUP attempts to become a reputable, highquality, and effective supplier of solutions and products regarding food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging, and medical equipment, aiming to increase value for customers and society.

The Board of Directors and all officers and employees of GREEN HERBAL GROUP are committed to building, maintaining, and improving management systems ISO 22000, ISO 15378, and ISO 13485.

The group's quality policy is reviewed and determined at each stage to suit the group's development. It is then disseminated to all officers and employees determined to implement it.

  1. Producing and developing food packages, pharmaceutical/cosmetic packaging, medical supplies, paper and plastic products, and other items with increasing quality and reliability that are safe for use and compliant with statutory requirements.
  2. Improving the working environment ensures manufacturing activities are conducted to prevent and minimize damage to people, property, natural resources, and adverse environmental impacts.
  3. Complying with legal regulations and other requirements related to the company's products and environmental aspects.
  4. Frequently update information and technology, enhancing management systems and services to meet customer expectations.
  5. Making sure all employees are trained in management systems related to quality, safety, and the environment.
  6. Thoroughly communicate the policy to the internal and external stakeholders.
  • To be the most reliable and valuable company in the industries where we operate.
  • Adhering to business ethics and contributing to the common progress of society - acting responsibly, fairly, and transparently in all activities with all stakeholders.
  • Sincere business practices: Integrity, protecting a safe environment, creating value through innovation, and ensuring customer satisfaction are the core values of THAOMOCXANH GROUP.
  • Risk and opportunity management.
  • Complying with labor standards and policies. Building a fair and respectful working environment that provides opportunities for individuals to receive training and development.
  • Always mindful of preventing and minimizing activities that impact the environment.